Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I don't want this night to end. I remember the song Andrew sang to me on our second date :] for the life of me I couldn't remember and I was buying ring tones tonight and I can on and I remember that they had the same voice almost and it just clicked lol :] 

Things are good with Andrew and I, if you didn't get that lol we have been seeing each other for three weeks already isn't that crazy. We are going out Thursday, I love hanging out with him, I'm taking him to concord. He's never had dairy queen lol so I'm gonna take him out for ice cream, I hope he likes it. Oh also I turn 20 this coming Monday I'm very excited! I keep telling him he's not gonna be a cougar anymore :] inside joke sorry any who we are good. 

I might get a new shift at work, that would work amazing I would have everyother weekend off and that alone would be awesome! I could spend a weekend with him ;} okay Ill write tomorrow I'm exhausted. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

oh boy do I hate getting head aches, I had to stay home from work today because of one. The worst thing ever.

So I was going to get a tattoo yesterday but that didn't work because the wait for it was crazy, so I made an appointment for the end of the month or the beginning of next, I'm getting my grandmother's name and he dates on my foot! I'm very excited! 

So Andrew and I are doing very good, it'll be three weeks tomorrow that we are together. Not like anyone's counting lol I'm seeing him tomorrow :] 

Right now I'm sitting here eating strawberry's and watching practical magic :D love this movie. 

I got that book everyone is talking about fifty shades of gray, its very good. I'm only on the second chapter :]  but its still very good. I'm still reading The Help but the ending is so slow, I can't get through it lol its gonna take a little while. 

Well that's it there's not much else to say I'll be going down to Salem this weekend because uncle warren is coming up so I'll get to see him and that'll be fun. But I'm going to bring my computer down so I'll make sure I write :D

Friday, July 6, 2012

So I haven't written since the second of July. Well kinda a lot happened in those four days lol

So I told you about Andrew and my date sunday the first, and we wear gonna meet this coming Monday the 9th but he texted me and wanted to get together sooner, so Tuesday he drove down to Bristol and we drove up to Ashland. He met daddy and mum, he danced with me :] then we watched the fireworks. After we sat in the car talking what seemed like forever but it was amazing. Then the traffic died down so I dropped him off at his truck and we talked there as well, THEN he told me the big secret. Its not really a secret, and he didn't want to keep it from me, he just didn't no how to tell me because he liked me to much but now I no and I'm fine with it! He's 25 and divorced and has a little girl and I mean it's not a big deal but some people would be like you have baggage I don't want to see you anymore, but he's the first amazing guy that I've met in a really long time.

Today I'm going to his home town and he's gonna show me around. :D I'm excited to see him. Its so crazy I can't believe that its been not even a week lol I'm sure hes gonna be in more and more of these I'll keep you updated lol :] 

Monday, July 2, 2012

So last night I went out on a date! He is so amazingly gorgeous :D I don't understand why he's single, but anyways he opened the door to the restaurant and I'm sure he would have pulled out my chair but I beet him to it :] so we sat down around 6 and we didnt leave until 9:45 lol and then we walked around for 2 hrs and talked about everything, he held my hand and picked a flower for me :] he's so tall 6'6" lol but i really like him! Then we went back to my car and he kissed me and then I drove him back to his truck and we kissed some more! He's an amazing kisser, all day I had to tell myself to stop thinking about his kisses back they made me blush and get butterfly oh goodness he's just amazing. lol Mel's mama told me to not let him no that I'm so excited because I need to protect myself, but he might stick around? I really hope he does and is not just looking to get lucky cause like I've said in the past I'm so sick of being single. But I'm going to bed soon because this is the only day that I've gone at a good time, I only got 4 1/2hrs last night so i need all the sleep i can get! I'll write some more tomorrow after the fireworks maybe and I'll take you down to Nashua and Salem as well! :D