Saturday, July 14, 2012

oh boy do I hate getting head aches, I had to stay home from work today because of one. The worst thing ever.

So I was going to get a tattoo yesterday but that didn't work because the wait for it was crazy, so I made an appointment for the end of the month or the beginning of next, I'm getting my grandmother's name and he dates on my foot! I'm very excited! 

So Andrew and I are doing very good, it'll be three weeks tomorrow that we are together. Not like anyone's counting lol I'm seeing him tomorrow :] 

Right now I'm sitting here eating strawberry's and watching practical magic :D love this movie. 

I got that book everyone is talking about fifty shades of gray, its very good. I'm only on the second chapter :]  but its still very good. I'm still reading The Help but the ending is so slow, I can't get through it lol its gonna take a little while. 

Well that's it there's not much else to say I'll be going down to Salem this weekend because uncle warren is coming up so I'll get to see him and that'll be fun. But I'm going to bring my computer down so I'll make sure I write :D

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