Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm so bad at this lol I try and get on at least once a month.

So lets see, we moved, I got a boyfriend, we got rid of 2 kittens and then got another lol okay lets start.

We moved to Bristol, just up from the place I use to live when I was little. The house is amazing, just enough for us, mums in love with her kitchen. Its HUGE, so many cabinets and drawers and it has a dishwasher and an island :D its amazing, also it has a fire place and my room is huge :] much bigger then my old one. I got a full bed, and a new dresser. I'm also getting a new t.v but we'll see when that happens. I getting fish as well, I already have a fish tank but my fish that daddy and mum got me died :/ its okay though I'm gonna get some more maybe tomorrow.

Okay so the boyfriend. His name is Andrew, I've talked about him before well he asked me to be his girlfriend a few weeks ago :D he's so amazing, the sweetest guy I've ever been with and that's not saying a lot cause I've been with some bad guys but he's like "the one" material at least ;] I'm so happy hes in my life, I think I deserve it after all the BS the last one put me through. He's just so amazing, he's older, responsible, and he may have baggage but I mean everyone does, I'm not about to point it out and say this is why i cant be with you that would be ridiculous and petty of anyone. So he's met my grad mother and my grate grandmother, Auntie and the kids plus uncle Brine. He'll meet the rest of them sooner or later lol the end of the month we have a wedding to go to and he'll meet that part of my family. I'm not sure who's gonna be there but I'm glad I have a date :] the we will be coming back to my house and we are having a house warming party and he'll meet the rest of daddy's part of the family :] I just really hope this works out cause I don't think I'll ever find another guy like Andrew that's for damn sure.

Okay so I told you about the kittens well i got rid of them before we moved because we didnt need anymore cats lol so that was on a Thursday and then I went over to Andrews on a Saturday cause he was house sitting for his boss and so I got home pretty late and when I walked into the house daddy was up which I though was odd so I'm walking down the hall and he stops me and tells me he has a problem and I'm like what's the matter and I walk into the living room and there's a kitten. She's a beautiful calico, very lovable and we kept her lol he name is alley like alley cat :] she scared the crap outta daddy he said lol and everyone loves her, even Antonio and he hates cats lol so my life right now is amazing. I'm very grateful for what I have! :]

okay that's all tonight, I'm tired. I'll try and write more later!

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