Sunday, March 25, 2012

oh my

I havent writen in like almost 20 days, and so much has happened.

I dont no where to start.

Lets me Ive been working a lot, hanging out with a really good friend taylor :] going to the gym, im still talking to brandon. :]

My ex might be moving home, i dont no if im happy for him or nourvous for myself. i just hope that me and brandon hit it off so i dont have to worry about anything lol OH we are moving, my parents are buying a house, im helping a little but we are buying a new house. Im so excited!! We can start moving in april 27th, if they get the money then thats the day they sign and we can start moving in that night if we wanted. I keep thinking of all the things i need to pack and its alot, like think of all the things in your house. all the things you have in cabnets and drawers its so crazy. Im gonna have to start soon lol

I wonder how the animals are gonna take it, i hope raven and jazzy and abby dont ever get out cause i wouldnt no where to look if they ran away lol im really sad kinda that we are leaving here cause this is where buster is and when we leave i wont be able to visit him anymore, and people will start to think im crazy talking to my dead dog.

omgoodness last night i worked 16hrs im so tired, i hate the scedualing. like they have seven on monday and one five thurday, they make  no since so im gonna try to get tomorrow switched for thursday so we will have six girls on both days i really hope i get it to cause im really tired, going to bed soon!

okay ill try and write tomorrow.

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