Tuesday, June 26, 2012

So I'm still talking to Andrew, he's to cute! But we need to go out so I can see for sure! I've started to read the help, I watched the movie and I absolutely loved it so I'm gonna read the book!

Today was good, I have to find another home for one of the kittens cause my aunt doesn't have anyone :/ So we'll see. I wanna kill my dog lol she keeps chewing things up in my room, and at four in the morning shes wines cause she wants to go out and I haven't been able to sleep cause of her. UGH I just want to kill her sometimes. No what I really wanted to do this morning was put her out and leave her in her kennel and leave her there so she wouldn't be waking me up anymore. I wish it was hot again, I just got a bathing suit I can't use till it gets hot again lol oh I'm really tired today, I can't wait to go to bed, but its to early it'll be a little bit before that happens :] well night all

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