Wednesday, November 9, 2011


you no i thought life was going good, i had a new boy in my life, my nana just got rid of her cancer, my job was going good, and then ka boom. Why does it always work out that way seriosly, my nanas in the hospital now they dont no if she'll make it, the boy thing is fine, just on hold for a few day. i just wish sometimes that i could close my eys and everything would be better cause right now thats all i want to do. It all started this morning, i got a phone call (whenever i get phone calls before 9 or 10 its always a bad sign, unless its my father then he just wants to wake me up) So i answer my phone half asleep and my aunt chrisy starts talking to me and i think im draming so i say hi how are you and she say not so good and im like well thats to bad, and then shes saying about how nanas in the hospital and then i really wake up cause i relize im not dreaming and i question her, well she said nana stoped breathing in the middle of the night and shes in the hospital and they dont alot but she stoped breathing in the middle of the night and grampy couldnt get her to breath again so he called 911 well she went 15 to 20mins without oxygen to her brain and she didnt have a pulse when they got here. So now shes in the hospital non responsive and they have to do more test tomorrow and a machines breathing for her and i just wish this had never happened shes an amazing person and i just cant imagain my life without her in it. :/ thats all for today i need sleep badly! </3

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